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Future NBA legend Jerry Lucas challenged himself by inventing mental games to test his memory. At an early age, Jerry realized that being a successful student in school took knowing not only how to learn but also how to retain educational information. He became determined to develop ways to make the learning process fun,easy and long lasting.
Like a farmer who plants small seeds in the soil and Carefully Tends Them So that they grow, Jerry has devoted his life to cultivating ideas and methods for fun and easy learning and memory retention. The resulting methods are now known as the lucas learning system™ and have earned him the title of Dr. Memory™.
In his recently release book middie magic and mind magic Jerry recounts this life journey that started in the middle of the 20th century in the middletown ohio.
I want to tell you More about my educational endeavors. I have worked for more than 40 years revolutionizing The educational and learning process by giving identities to abstract educational data, so that it can’t be forgotten.
Just the thought of a zebra, an elephant, a giraffe, a table, a chair or any other tangible object automatically brings A picture of Those objects to all of our minds. the same thing will happen to all educational data, since i have created an identity For all of the basic information children need to learn From pre-school through the sixth grade.